Friday, September 28, 2007


I have to speak German in the office. I guess that makes sense, since I live in Germany. I had an interesting conversation today, though. One of my team members is Hungarian. He has been learning German for about 10 months, which is about how long I took lessons. He isn't as comfortable with his German, though, and he prefers English. Today we discussed the pros and cons of speaking German or English with each other. We decided that we could speak English so he could improve that since he and I both speak German with everyone else. Then we continued our conversation in German. It is weird how that works. I have a lot of trouble switching out of German. Pretty much, if I set my mind to it, then off I go. His German is good, too. He asked me the other day how I managed to still be able to speak after 5 years away from Germany. I told him that I fake it. It is amazing what a handful of words and a complete lack of pride will do for you. Last time, I was really worried about sounding dumb. I simply don't give a damn now. I guess I am simply more confident in who I am, what I know, and what is important. And what isn't important is my percentage rate on my German grammar and vocabulary.

In other news, there is a bully at the kids' kindergarten. He is apparently a real handful and causes loads of trouble. Aiden is in a scuffle almost every day. Briana has been in a few. And by scuffle, I mean that the bully hits/kicks/throws sand at them, and they retreat or try to get out of the situation. The teachers are aware of the problem, but there doesn't seem to be much they can do about it. Sarah got a concerned look on Wednesday because she smiled when the teacher said that Aiden finally fought back. I am afraid I might have to start encouraging Aiden to fight back. Which not only do I not support (I have never been in a fight with anyone except my sister), but I can't picture him doing. It also isn't easy telling him to never, ever hit anyone. Unless they are hurting Briana. When B is getting hurt, he is to kill whoever is doing it. What a messed up message to send. But he's good about that. Well, maybe not the killing part, but he sure does take care of his little sister. He's just about the best big brother ever.

Speaking of his little sister... She is sort of notorious around the house for being really crabby when she doesn't get enough sleep. Sarah warned her teachers about that a few days ago. The teacher asked her what she meant, and she said something in German that Sarah didn't understand. So Sarah asked her the next day if she meant bitchy. Which is a very accurate description. The teacher was horrified. She said that that was a very bad thing to say in German. Which is odd. Because I heard the F word no less than three times in English and once in German ON THE RADIO this morning. Within a 20 minute time period. But saying someone is bitchy is bad.

What strange people.

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