The Kindergarten here in Neureut never ceases to amaze me. I have complained before about how they operate, but it just seems to be getting worse. I have mentioned kids hitting and kicking. I have mentioned kids whacking the shit out of kids with sticks. I don't know if I have mentioned that most of the time the kids are not disciplined. We had asked about the Kindergaten's policy after Aiden got whacked a couple of times in a single day (while Sarah was trying to round them up at the end of the day). They said the the sticks aren't ever allowed inside. Aiden had been whacked while inside. Sarah then noticed that every time she was there, a kid was swinging a stick. So we told Aiden not to bring them in, and to be sure not to run around swinging them at people. He inevitably brings them in, though, because all of the other kids do. When they see Aiden with a stick inside, though, the make him sit in a corner, because we voiced concern about it. That just annoys the Hell out of me. So one of the big trouble maker's in the class, who we will call Ah-Hoon (because Aiden insists that is how the kid's name is said), is always involved with these incidences. He is constantly kicking, hitting, biting, pinching, punching or hurting some other little kid. When the kids aren't close enough, he makes trouble with the teachers. Sarah said she was talking to a teacher once, and this little hoodlum came up and tried to spit on the teacher RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS MOM! What did the teacher do? Nothing because the mom was there. I know, I know, you want to know what the mom did? Nothing. Not a damned thing. Nada. This is how you raise heathens.
So yesterday there was quite a ruckus at school. Aiden kept talking about a little boy needing to go to the doctor because his finger came off. So as we were getting the kids ready for bed, Aiden started talking about it again. Now, for those of you without young children, you have to be very careful with info you get from a kid. So we asked him a few times throughout the getting to bed routine, and we had him play it out a couple of times. Here's how he described it.
The goon comes up behind a littler kid and shoves him to the floor. He pulls out a pocket knife, jumps on the kids and CUTS THE TIP OF HIS FINGER OFF! So what do they do? They end up calling the injured kid's mom because his finger is bleeding like he's going to die. She comes and takes him to the doctor. His finger tip will apparently be flat forever. But they took care of the bully. They took his knife away and made him change to a different classroom. Yep. That's it. Now he's in Briana's room.
Briana is going to be out all week due to illness (more on that in a minute). Aiden is going to be out the rest of the week while we decide what we are going to do. I am going to go in in the morning and talk to the director to see what they plan. We have been on the fence with this school for a while, but this is simply too much. If they don't have something lined up to deal with this kid, I really don't know what we will do. This was the only kindergarten near us that had room. We may just have to search further out. It is pretty annoying.
So we have been pretty strung out lately. The kids have been flirting with colds, and they have not been sleeping well. I have switched sides of the bed with Sarah, so I now catch all of the kids's night time visits. Last night, Sarah and I fell asleep on the sofa reading books around 10:30. At 11:00, I wake up to BB calling for Mommy. I run up the stairs to find her kneeling on her bed in front of a pile of vomit. Yippee! So we (by we I mean mainly Sarah) had to get her cleaned up. She had puke on her clothes, on her hands, in her hair, all over the bedclothes. Fortunately, we had a waterproof mattress pad on it. So we got that all switched out and got her back to bed. 30 minutes later, she was at it again. This time, we were quick enough be able to reuse the other waterproof mattress pad we had put on the last time. I ran down and grabbed her a big bowl after that. She used that bowl every thirty minutes until about 4:00 AM. Sarah finally moved Aiden into our room and slept in his bed so she could be quicker to B's aid. So I got up late, got Aiden going and then got him to kindergarten.
B was pretty pukey and sleepy all day. And whiney. Aiden showed some pretty serious signs as well when he got home. He was crazy grumpy. At one point I called the house and he answered the phone like he was ready to kill someone. Apparently he and Sarah were arguing about how many Kinder Eggs he was going to get. He was past the number that Sarah was willing to give. So he started grumbling. Then he started going on about eating Care Bears (he was watching a Care Bear's movie). So I started talking about how good they would taste good with some butter, garlic and onions in white wine and chicken broth. He said, "Yeah! Care Bears are delicious!"
is Ah-Hoon German for little hitler? WTF?!
Umm, yeah... not comfortable with the whole kid-who-cuts-off-fingertips thing. I know the kids wouldn't get their German language lessons this way, but you might look at homeschooling until room opens up at another school. Yikes.
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